I need information in order to complete the pleadings necessary to facilitate your uncontested divorce, and
the intake packet is a great way to provide me with that information.
The first page of the intake packet has a detailed explanation of how the process works, but, in short, it
goes like this: First, after confirming you and your spouse have an agreement as to proceeding with the
divorce in this manner, you fill out the intake packet. Then, you submit it to me through email, fax, mail,
or hand-delivery, whichever you prefer. Once I have the completed intake packet, I will provide you with a
price quote which, 95% of the time, will be the exactly as the fees are outlined on my website.
Once payment is made (which can be done online, over the phone, through the mail, or, of course, in-person,
by appointment only), I get to work immediately. I write up all of the within a few days and, once those
pleadings are completed, I email drafts of the substantive documents to you, so you and your spouse can
review everything carefully before we proceed. After you each review, you will relay to me what agreed-upon
revisions need to be made. I make the necessary updates very quickly and, once we have drafts that are
acceptable to both parties, we proceed to signing and filing. Once filed, the mandatory 30 day waiting
period begins. At the conclusion of waiting period, I submit the case to the Judge. Once he or she signs
off, the divorce is final and the case is completed.
First things first though, and that is filling out an intake packet. Below you will find links to my intake
I need information in order to complete the pleadings necessary to facilitate your uncontested
divorce, and the intake packet is a great way to provide me with that information.
The first page of the intake packet has a detailed explanation of how the process works, but, in
short, it goes like this: First, after confirming you and your spouse have an agreement as to
proceeding with the divorce in this manner, you fill out the intake packet. Then, you submit it to
me through email, fax, mail, or hand-delivery, whichever you prefer. Once I have the completed
intake packet, I will provide you with a price quote which, 95% of the time, will be the exactly as
the fees are outlined on my website.
Once payment is made (which can be done online, over the phone, through the mail, or, of course,
in-person, by appointment only), I get to work immediately. I write up all of the within a week or
so, depending a bit on my workload at that time. Once those pleadings are completed, I email drafts
of the substantive documents to you, so you and your spouse can review everything carefully before
we proceed. After you each review, you will relay to me what agreed-upon revisions need to be made.
I make the necessary updates very quickly and, once we have drafts that are acceptable to both
parties, we proceed to signing and filing. Once filed, the mandatory 30 day waiting period begins.
At the conclusion of waiting period, I submit the case to the Judge. Once he or she signs off, the
divorce is final and the case is completed.
First things first though, and that is filling out an intake packet. Below you will find the
download link to the fillable (or printable) intake packet PDF.