Pro Se Divorce Forms
On its face, a self-represented, pro-se divorce should be your least expensive option in facilitating your divorce. In completing (or attempting to complete) your divorce in this fashion, the only expense you should incur is the court's filing fee. This assumes, of course, that you have been able to avoid making a purchase from one of the many online "services" selling self-represent divorce paperwork, only to find out that Missouri courts do not accept the particular pleadings you have purchased. And, while falling for an online service's (or, dare I say, scam) claims may be an expense you would like to avoid, the larger financial risk could come from not properly addressing an asset or debt in your pleadings and settlement documents. I have seen errors and omissions made by pro se litigants that have had large and longterm ramifications on the parties.
If you take nothing else from your visit to my webpage, please take this: Whether you hire me or some other Missouri divorce lawyer to handle your case, you are making a good decision when you choose to have an attorney handle your divorce, as opposed to attempting to handle the case yourself with do-it-yourself divorce forms. You can find free or low cost pro se (a party who is unrepresented) divorce forms all over the internet. While these services may look promising, mostly due to the low cost of the forms and the money back guarantee graphics, I have had numerous clients who wasted their time, money, and effort, by trying to facilitate their divorce with internet divorce forms, only to have the forms rejected.
If I have not convinced you that your divorce is better handled by a licensed Missouri divorce attorney, and you insist on proceeding with a pro se divorce, please make sure you download and use the only Missouri-approved pro se divorce forms package. For the sake of our environment, you may consider whether you truly wish to proceed through the divorce process alone prior to printing the 66-pages of divorce forms and instructions. Please also remember that without an attorney handling your divorce, you will be required to file the case in court yourself, and then, once your case is set on a docket, navigate through your uncontested hearing, where certain legal elements must be testified to under oath in order to obtain a judgment for divorce. Filing your case without a divorce lawyer also requires your participation in a Pro Se Litigant Awareness Program.