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Dare to Compare

Discover why Linnenbringer Law is the universe's best way to divorce.

You have options when it comes to how to handle your divorce. If having your divorce languish in the court for months on end appeals to you, then filing your case pro se or having two attorneys battle it out in a contested case may be the right choice. If you or your spouse have a taste for interrogatories, depositions, court appearances, intrusive discovery motions, and everything else that may come along with a traditional divorce, then a two-attorney (or more) contested case may be right for your situation. On the other hand, if you and your spouse are able to come to the same conclusion that just because a marriage ends in divorce, that does not mean you have to abandon rationality, then consider saving your money, time, and energy by having your divorce handled by Linnenbringer Law. You can't go wrong choosing an attorney who has made a living by providing nearly three thousand couples throughout Missouri with high-quality, uncontested divorce services.

You have options when it comes to how to handle your divorce. If having your divorce languish in the court for months on end appeals to you, then filing your case pro se or having two attorneys battle it out in a contested case may be the right choice. If you or your spouse have a taste for interrogatories, depositions, court appearances, intrusive discovery motions, and everything else that may come along with a traditional divorce, then a two-attorney (or more) contested case may be right for your situation. On the other hand, if you and your spouse are able to come to the same conclusion that just because a marriage ends in divorce, that does not mean you have to abandon rationality, then consider saving your money, time, and energy by having your divorce handled by Linnenbringer Law. You can't go wrong choosing an attorney who has made a living by providing nearly three thousand couples throughout Missouri with high quality, uncontested divorce services.

Gerald Linnenbringer standing on podium winning gold medal

Divorce Provider Battle Royale

Three divorce options enter, only one leaves.

You have a few choices available to you when it comes to proceeding with your divorce. In this section you will discover how Linnenbringer Law's uncontested divorce service stacks up against two alternative divorce options. One option being a contested divorce case with two divorce lawyers, and the other being a pro se, self-represent divorce without legal assistance.

Frustrated Pro Se Divorce Litigant

Pro Se Divorce Forms

Two-Attorneys Fighting in Contested Divorce

Contested Divorce

Gerald Linnenbringer celebrating in front of stars

Uncontested Divorce
with Linnenbringer Law

Linnenbringer Law beating the competition in tug-of-war

The Scorecard

"Ding. Ding."

  • A frustrated self-represented pro-se litigant
  • Affordability


  • Speed


  • Quality


  • Total Score


Self-Represent / Pro-Se Divorce

Scoring Breakdown

+ In theory, the only expense should be the court's filing fee.

+ Be aware of online services that sell you self-represent divorce paperwork, as Missouri courts will only accept specific pro se pleadings.

+ Mistakes or omissions in paperwork can lead to longterm ramifications that can be expensive to fix in the future.

+ Errors in the pleadings prepared by the pro-se litigant can lead to the case being dismissed, and the litigant wasting their time and forfeiting their filing fee.

+ Generally a very slow process, with few ways in which the litigant can speed things up (short of hiring an attorney to "push" the case through).

+ Provides litigants with what I can only assume is a frustratingly low amount of control.

  • Attorneys fighting over money in contested divorce
  • Affordability


  • Speed


  • Quality


  • Total Score


Contested Divorce

Scoring Breakdown

+ Extremely expensive and much too slow.

+ Pleadings and settlement documents should, hopefully, be of high quality.

+ In situations where one or both parties are attempting to conceal assets, a two-attorney contested case would be the most likely of the three divorce options to lead to the discovery of those assets.

  • Gerald Linnenbringer celebrating a win in the divorce provider showdown
  • Affordability


  • Speed


  • Quality


  • Total Score


Uncontested Divorce with
Linnenbringer Law

Scoring Breakdown

+ The only divorce solution to score a perfect 30 out of 30 on Linnenbringer Law's Official Scoring System, a complex matrix of factors that assigns scores based on Gerald Linnenbringer's opinion.

+ Affordable, fast, and professional service, with high-quality pleadings tailored to each client's unique specifications.

+ Allows spouses with children to move through the divorce process without so much contention and fighting, helping to minimize the disruption that a divorce can bring to the lives of the children.

Linnenbringer Law is the self-proclaimed winner